Oeufs au pain (bread pudding soufflé)

Another recipe originating in From the Hearth, this one is a bread pudding with a difference. Not your typical dense bread pudding, it’s light and airy due to the addition of beaten egg whites. This is another dish using candied peel, which you can make yourself.
4 cups bread, cubed 4 cups milk 1 cup sugar 6 eggs, separated and beaten salt 1-2 tsp orange flower water 2 tbsp candied peel, chopped fine
Bring the milk to a boil. Pour over bread and mix in sugar, salt, orange flower water and candied peel. Let sit for 20-30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350F. Run through a sieve (I didn't do this). Add the beaten egg yolks. Then fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a buttered dish (or two - expect to need two medium-large oven-safe bowls), and place in a bain-marie (water bath). Bake about 1 hour, or until tester comes out clean. Option: sprinkle top with sugar and brown under the broiler until golden.
This made a LOT. I had to use two baking dishes, and two bain-maries (neither of which was deep enough). I feel like my kitchen is pretty well stocked, and I was a little stumped as to how I’d arrange big baking dishes into other even bigger baking dishes. I will cut this in half next time.
I decided not to try and sieve the bread post-soaking – it was almost all broken up anyway (with the exception of a few bits of bottom crust), and I like my bread pudding with some texture.
Egg yolks Fluffy! Folded in Adding bain-marie water
Two bowls! This is a lot!
The result was really light and airy and moist. You expect the moist part from bread pudding, but honestly I would not have predicted this texture from a dish with 4 cups of bread in it.

The recipe book suggested pureed fruit or cream sauce to go with it – I went for strawberry.
The verdict
This was really, really excellent. Super light. Just the right amount of citrus/floral from the peel and orange flower water. Not too sweet. Overall, fantastic. I will make this again. Just … less of it.