Cheese Mold

In an effort to try more recipes that involve gelatin (because it’s kinda retro), I decided to make this appetizer/spread from Cook Away (circa 1930’s).
2 packages cream cheese 3/4 cup grated nippy cheese (I used old cheddar) 1 package gelatin 1 cup whole milk 1 tbsp chopped walnuts (optional; I didn't use) A few drops of Worcestershire sauce Salt
Grease or oil a jelly mold or other dish (should hold about 5 cups or more). Set out cream cheese to soften at room temperature (not required, but made it easier). Put cream cheese and grated cheese in a mixing bowl and work together with fork. Dissolve gelatin in a small amount of cold water (I used about 3 tbsp). Heat milk and add softened gelatin. Cook until gelatin dissolves. Add hot milk to cheese mixture, and mix until smooth. If lumpy, put through a sieve. Add salt, Worcestershire sauce, and walnuts (if using). Pour into prepared mold, and chill for several hours before serving.
This one sounded a bit more involved than it actually was. Mashing together the cheeses with a fork was easier than expected (with the caveat that I let the cream cheese soften).
The hot milk melts the more solid cheese, so it became pretty smooth by the end. I didn’t really want to sieve it – I’m okay with little cheddar pockets.
I was a bit worried when I tried to unmold the thing and it wouldn’t come out. But quickly running a butter knife around the edges solved that problem pretty easily (though it did mar the smoothness of the sides where I wasn’t careful).
Now you might ask why we’ve formed cheese and gelatin in the shape of a pineapple. The answer is: because it was there. We purchased this mold at a thrift store *years* ago because someone wanted to make some jellied salad recipes. And, eight years later, this was the first time we used it …

The verdict
This was a really tasty spread! It’s like cream cheese that’s slightly more exciting (and spreadable directly from the fridge). It would be really nice for an appy table, as it looks more impressive and difficult than it was. We enjoyed it (for a loooong time … two whole packages of cream cheese!) on crackers and bread for lunches. I’d definitely make it again (but next time for a larger group of people).